Thursday, May 15, 2014

10 Goals for May

I really, really, really like lists. I make lists for myself everyday and most of the time my emails and notes to students are also in list form. It keeps things (mostly me) organized.

So, I'm going to really try and transfer my list-making into a lot of productivity. Thanks to Back to Her Roots for the great ideas for goals - and for being a great inspiration! Hopefully setting goals helps focus my month. 

Here's a list of my goals -- and what I've been able to accomplish in the first 15 days.

Home Goals
1. Purchase and Set-up New Furniture. We are all moved and all our 'old' furniture has a home, but moving also included shopping! We have already made one trip to IKEA and have that furniture assembled, but we are still waiting on our new couch and arm chair to be delivered.

2. Organize the Office. Our new office quickly became the dumping ground for boxes and things that were moved, but didn't have another home. Cleaning and organizing this room is the final step in the big move!

3. Take a trip to Goodwill. I think I've finally realized that we have too many things - something my husband has been saying all along. This month I would like to make one - of hopefully many - trips to Goodwill and/or Stuff etc. to minimize our life. 

Work Goals
4. Clean & Organize my Classroom. Along with cleaning, organizing, and moving our home, I will also be moving my classroom for the fall. With the help of my students, I will hopefully declutter my work things and get them all packed up in a few boxes before June 5th!

5. Stay Current on Grades. I've talked many times about how busy the spring semester is at school. To help enjoy all the planning and celebrating, I need to not let the papers stack up!

6. Visit the Teacher Librarians at my New Job. It is still overwhelming to think about all the changes that will happen after this school year, but to help make the transition smoother, I would like to take a day (or two) to visit Muscatine High School and see the current library and staff in action. I've already visited once - and it was as informative as it was overwhelming - but I hope to visit again before this school year is out.

Personal Goals
7. Work Out. This one doesn't need much explanation - I have let everything else come before exercise lately. Especially with the weather changing for the better, woking out and going for walks needs to be a priority. 

8. Finish and Submit my Thesis Proposal. Done and done! This was a great one to cross off the list on May 5th. Although I have more to do this summer and even more to do this fall, I am taking a break from graduate school work for the rest of May!

9. Buy a Car. This one is also done! After a lot of discussion - this was the first 'big' purchase of our married life -  Kasey and I decided on a 2013 Ford Escape. Her name is Ruby.

10. Find and Commit to Two Blog Link-ups. This one is going to be the hardest for me. Like working out - I haven't made blogging a priority lately. I enjoy doing it very much, but it often gets bumped to the bottom of my list. I am going to try and commit to two link-ups a week for the last 2 weeks in May.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome goals! Love the new car! Happy Friday! Funday Monday might be a good link up to be a part of because it's not content specific, it's just whatever you you want to share.
