Wednesday, July 11, 2012

BBQ Pork

I was crazy excited about my new running shoes this morning - so getting out of bed for a morning workout was painless! For some reason, the yellow made me feel fast. That, and being able to run in sub-90s temps made for a great workout!

With great workouts comes great... FOOD! I knew that tonight had to be something good. Kase is headed off to camp this week and next (he's coaching basketball camp, but it's funnier if I picture him with a rolled-up sleeping bag) so I wanted to make a good country-style dinner for us. Enter Pinterest!

I used an easy-peasy 3-Ingredient BBQ Pork recipe. Special love to my Crockpot (Lord knows it did more work than I did!). It all went pretty smoothly (except the last-minute run to the grocery store for extra BBQ and to curb my grape craving). And if anyone can tell me a non-challenging way to shred hot, hot pork, I'm all ears!

It couldn't have turned out better -- BBQ pork sandwiches, fresh Iowa sweetcorn, and grapes on the deck! Tonight, this girl is lovin' the country!!


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